Tomcat download for mac
Tomcat download for mac

How do I hide its minimap icon?Ī: Whenever a holiday becomes active, its minimap button will become available. Clicking the icon once when this happens will stop the strobing for that event.

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Q: Why are there strobing minimap buttons on my map (and how do I stop them from strobing)?Ī: The strobe effect will only occur occasionally when there is special information or an event taking place, such as when the Love is in the Air and Lunar Festival holidays were taking place and features were enabled especially for these holidays. (Shadowlands only) See the control panel by clicking the black cat icon on your minimap or by typing /tomcats in the in-game chat window. For Shadowlands, you will have to enable the beta features.

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#Tomcat download for mac Patch

For the rares, you can expect to find everything you need for any of special patch content released during BfA starting with Arathi Highlands on forward. There are also additional features that show up during some of the bigger WoW holidays, such as currently, Love is in the Air, and Lunar Festival. Q: What does TomCat's Tours provide (see list at the top of the page for the most up-to-date)?Ī: Primarily, TomCat's Tours marks the locations of rare creatures and what notable loot they drop (mounts, pets, toys). You can then 'Enable the Beta Features' from there. The Shadowlands Rares features are now available within TomCat's Tours! To enable them, click the black cat icon or type /tomcats in your in-game chat window. Support links, including live support, are available at

  • Map markers for all rare spawns from BfA through Shadowlands, including Korthia and The Maw!.
  • Note for ElvUI users: You'll probably want to disable the 'smaller map' feature in ElvUI or the map could get pretty small.
  • Quest objectives on NPC and object tooltips coming soon.
  • Quest/Dungeon objectives tracker coming soon.
  • Quest markers and outlines on the map coming soon.
  • Quest log docked to the map coming soon.
  • Click the dungeon instance location on the world map to view the dungeon map from anywhere.
  • World map fades when you are moving and when minimized - this can be disabled by typing /console mapFade "0".
  • tomcat download for mac

    World map pan and zoom (scroll wheel to zoom in).Retail look and feel for the world map and quest interfaces.Retail Feature Pack for Classic includes:.TBC players get: Retail-look-and-feel for your world map and (soon) quest log Retail players get: Rare spawn locations and info (drops, etc) Holiday guides Please check out my current funding goal so that I can keep developing addons! I have been developing TomCat's AddOns with very little financial support. TomCat's Tours: Now including Classic/TBC Dungeon Maps! New: Korthia and The Maw rares for Shadowlands 9.1 Chains of Domination!

    Tomcat download for mac